Saturday, March 24, 2007

A breakthrough

Well, for all the whining that I've done in the past week, the gods are now smiling on me. I think I might have broken through whatever sort of plateau or strength training-related learning curve that I was dealing with, because I have had some weight loss over the past couple of days.

I know there's a pretty strong and valid argument out there for not weighing yourself everyday, but I really need to--it provides me motivation (if I don't lose) and small rewards (if I do). And, in weight loss attempts in the past, I've avoided the scale, and often didn't realize that I was starting to gain again.

A potentially "off the wagon" situation presented itself last night. I ate well all day, and then my firm decided to go out for happy hour to celebrate a new client AND my husband and his friend wanted to order out pizza and pasta to watch March Madness. While I did partake in the happy hour festivities, I was able to eat healthy once I got home (which I usually don't do when I've had some drinks) and I stayed within my calorie range yesterday.

Today, it's raining for the first time in a while, so it looks like I might head to the gym for my cardio fix. . .and then I might make my way to the mall as well.

Most of my family is on spring break right now--I'm very jealous.

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