Monday, November 27, 2006

Day 1

Things are looking a little bleak for me on Day 1. . .I stepped on the scale this morning and I was seriously about 6 pounds heavier than I was a couple of weeks ago. Could all of that Thanksgiving food, multiple nights of drinking and fried food during the Bears game have really done me that wrong? It's a good thing The December Project is starting early.

171.2. That's a lot--especially for someone who exercises a lot and is a pretty healthy eater. Or am I?

I think I am going to also post my food log as I move through The Decmember Project. Even if it only holds me accountable to myself, at least I'm keeping track.

Here it is:

Egg White omlette with 2 eggs and veggies (75 Calories)

Kashi Cereal with hot tes (decaf) (110 Calories, 1.5 fat grams)

Amy's Organics Eggplant Lasagne (360 C, 6 fat grams)

Sugar-Free HC (60 C, 1 fat gram)
Two Kashi Granola Bars (Total: 240 C, 4 fat grams)

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